
Boat in excellent condition inside and out. Decks particularly good and everything down below stowed.So do please pass our thanks to James and please pay him a £200 bonus for all his efforts.(Our only surprise was to find that they have all but dismantled any evidence of the Americas Cup ,taken away restaurants / chandlery etc!!)So thanks for all your help……(please tell Brian we can now get 7 knots with the new prop and overheating seems much better, probably cured).Good days sailing today with weather to match….pyd note: Having an experienced Mate or Skipper on board for a period of gardiennage can be an inexpensive way of ensuring that your boat is kept safe and that a work schedule is properly carried out and supervised. In this case a yard bill was reduced by €2000 after the pyd skipper queried the hours worked on a particular job.

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