
PYD office

Contact the PYD office for further information regarding Yacht Delivery, Skipper and Crew supply and all crew applications

Peter Kloezeman

Peter Kloezeman

Peter was selected for the GBR National Sailing Squad for three consecutive years and represented GBR twice in the Netherlands. Peter is MCA/RYA Yachtmaster offshore qualified and gets involved in several PYD delivery passages each year in the Atlantic and Mediterranean working with PYD skippers and crews. Pete is a key member of our office support team working with Clients, Skippers and Crews.

Nigel Wilkinson

Nigel Wilkinson

A Chartered Civil Engineer and commercially endorsed RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Ocean and Cruising Instructor with extensive sailing experience worldwide. He has also gained senior management experience in the Public Sector. Nigel regularly joins delivery passages to ensure PYD standards are maintained and looks for opportunities to improve our service to clients.

Kate Bennett

Kate Bennett

With a background in recruitment, Kate handles finance, crew selection, vetting and logistics. Kate was also a keen member of the local sailing club and enjoyed sailing dinghy's and team racing at a national level.

Sam Cowie

Sam Cowie

Sam grew up racing dinghy's and spending summer holidays on board her family's Bavaria. Sam works with Janey and Kate in handling finance, crew selection, vetting and logistics. Sam joined PYD after working in the charity sector. Contact us below, if you are interested in crewing for PYD.

Crew application