
Just out in your local bookshop is Sue Pelling’s new book ‘Sail for a Living’. Chapter 9 is all about Yacht Deliveries and pyd feature extensively in both text and photographs.

Sue writes at length about the way we run our deliveries as well as how we select our skippers.She also describes working for pyd from the skipper’s perspective. In particular she goes out of her way to emphasise how thoroughly we check and prepare boats before setting to sea.

Sue is also very complimentary about the pyd Sailing Apprentice Scheme, which enters its sixth year in 2012 with a number of improvements to help ensure that scheme participants are able to play the fullest possible role aboard whilst getting the most from their six months and ten thousand miles of professional sea time. To find out more about the pyd Sailing Apprentice Scheme contact Phil Coatesworth on 01539 552130 or at [email protected]

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